Act 4: A Walk in the Park – Part 2

Wonderland-StatueFor those who came in late –

The Aces continue to investigate the mysterious Angela Foxbury and uncover more about her past and her links to the strange symbol. Their investigations almost lead to tragedy at the site of her old apartment as the full scope of her abilities begins to become more clear, while a trip to investigate the site of the handover in Central Park reveals the eyes of the authorities are watching…

Watcher’s Notes – 1 June 2014

Wilson notes the images of Grace and Patrik on the close-circuit camera feed and invisibly jostles one of the operatives making him spill his coffee all over the console – shorting out the device and leading to the generator being used to power the surveillance centre to overload. He notes in passing that one of the Agents makes comment that the proximity to a local anomaly has triggered its defensive program and that it is stuck on automatic – but thinks little of it as he seeks to escape the pandemonium he has created.

Making his way back up to the surface through a maze of underground tunnels that he cleverly maps using his abilities. The system appears to incorporate service access to water pipes feeding the Central Park Lake, sewer overflow from the local residential blocks and electrical systems – some of which have been patched into by the agents. When he emerges into the evening, he has a fairly complete diagram of the system as well as a way back to the monitoring station if so desired.

Up top and Grace and Patrik are investigating the mysterious addition to the statute. Linking their abilities they are able to ascertain that it serves both as a camera and as some form of emitter that may act to dampen the abilities of Wild Cards. Grace notes that the power light on the camera has gone dark, but does not know that this is related to the actions of Wilson. At the same time, Patrik notes the sound of an accident in the region of where Thomas parked the car and immediately decides to investigate engaging his flight and leaving Grace to attempt to learn more about the mechanism.

Meanwhile, back in the car, Thomas has noticed the black panel van’s lights and decides to take offensive action. Planting his foot he directs the Cadillac back into the approaching vehicle, noting as he does so that the vehicle’s lights appear to rise in the air. It is only as he decides to abandon the car using his super speed that he sees that the van has apparently swallowed the car and then slammed shut. Small fissures of some green gas can be seen leaking out the sides just as the figure of Patrik emerges from the Park and collides directly with the side of the van.

Lights flare and his impact triggers an activation sequence. Within moments the van transforms into a large black automaton and takes steps to neutralise the immediate threat posed by at least two violet Aces.

John arrives on his moped in time to see the robot and his two companions and uses his powers to calm onlookers and move them to safety. In the interim, the mechanism takes steps to deal with the immediate threat – cut off from its masters it seeks to neutralise Patrik as quickly as possible and with a solid roundhouse swipe sends him pinioning backwards into the park, shattering a tree and sending fragments of wooden shrapnel into the lawn and shattering streetlights and panicking members of the public.

Thomas rushes forwards attempting to gain its attention as the robot readies to fire an electrified net to immobilise him and runs off towards the Park entrance in an attempt to draw the device away from the roadway. Patrik collects himself and uses his powers to fuse one of the robot’s legs to the asphalt which causes it to miss Thomas as he runs into the park. The net barely misses him and other members of the public only to wrap around a nearby tree and short-out creating a fire and forcing Patrik to contain the blaze.

John arrives on his moped in time to see the robot and his two companions and uses his powers to calm onlookers and move them to safety. In the interim, the mechanism takes steps to deal with the immediate threat – cut off from its masters it seeks to neutralise Patrik as quickly as possible and with a solid roundhouse swipe sends him pinioning backwards into the park, shattering a tree and sending fragments of wooden shrapnel into the lawn and shattering streetlights and panicking members of the public.

Thomas rushes forwards attempting to gain its attention as the robot readies to fire an electrified net to immobilise him and runs off towards the Park entrance in an attempt to draw the device away from the roadway. Patrik collects himself and uses his powers to fuse one of the robot’s legs to the asphalt which causes it to miss Thomas as he runs into the park. The net barely misses him and other members of the public only to wrap around a nearby tree and short-out creating a fire and forcing Patrik to contain the blaze. In the distance, there can be heard approaching sirens of emergency services.

Patrik fuses a second leg to the ground and moves to locate the central processor of the machine in the hope of deactivating it. A radar dish emerges from the head along with an energy emitter that targets Patrik who has moved to within touching distance of the machine. He reaches out and uses his powers to melt the remaining mechanism into a pile of modern art, trapping himself briefly in the melting metal. A cameraman from a local newspaper is able to take a couple of serendipitous and unflattering shots before disappearing. Wilson arrives and using his telekinesis is able to move the bulk of the melted statue into the park and off the street, allowing people to return to move their cars.

Eventually the Fire and Police arrive to contain the scene and talk to Patrik. Thomas and Wilson keep a safe distance while John emerges to ‘represent his client’ and ensure that no charges are brought against Patrik for his actions. The Fire Department ring-off the burned tree while the Police struggle to take statements as the crowd has been ably dispersed earlier. Eventually the party regroups at Patrik’s loft, at which point they discover the absence of Grace but decide to turn their attention to the High School instead.



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