House Rules #2: Limitations – “Champions to the rescue”

The existing set of Limits in MHRP is ironically ‘limited’ in scope so I thought a look back to Champions RPG (4th Edition) would help bulk it up a bit (scroll down to see the extended list).

To paraphrase Champions, the intention is that Power Limitations emphasise the particular special effects of a power AND lower the cost of the Power to the Character. This meant that under Champions, Limits were a negative point cost and it would have made sense to me (if MHRP was to admit that it uses a point-based system during Character Development) to do the same thing.

My suggestion is to allow Limits at -5XP per, but adopt a system where they don’t get over-used simply in order to MinMax the PC build.

This seems obvious as the intent is to allow more scope and options by introducing more Power Limitations, but not so as to mask more powerful PCs/NPCs slipping under the points radar.

This could be achieved in the following ways:

  • Restrict the number of limits per Power Group e.g. Max 2, and/or…
  • Restrict the number of limits by Character point build e.g. 1 per 100XP and/or…
  • Restrict the number of limits per Character e.g. Max 3.

My preference is the second point as it gives scope to add more limits as characters gain XP, but also gives a quick rule of thumb that avoids clusters and accommodates existing PC builds. As XP gets spent on adding/developing new powers, the third point could kick in so that additional power groups can be added but still have new limits applied to a new power set. A related idea might also be to increase the cost of building anything after character conception (e.g. GURPS double XP) and insisting that any new Power Group continues to require at least one Limit.

Champions 4th Edition Power Limitations:

Note – rather than import the technical descriptions for each Limit, I have attempted to keep the basic concept but simplify it for use in MHRP. Where a Champions Power Limitation will not work or is irrelevant, it has been left-out (e.g. Gestures, Incantations, Increased END, Mental Powers based on CON, Reduced Penetration, and Variable).(Some of these could also be used to generate Plot points rather than get XP, for example Only in Hero ID, if you choose to revert to normal during combat you would receive a PP)

  • Ablative – a defensive power group (Armour, Force Field, Force Wall, etc) is shot-off little-by-little by attacks (step down by 1 die step each time)
  • Activation – the Power is unreliable, roll <8 on 1d12 or Power Burns Out or Jams
  • Always On – Power is never switched off even if the PC is unconscious and can’t be stepped-up in effect (Only a limit for some powers)
  • Charges – Power can only be used a certain number of times per Scene (roll 1d12 to determine uses) ( Alternatively the character could “power” it by expending PP or adding a die to the Doom Pool)
  • Concentrate – Similar to Conscious Activation (best simulated by perhaps stepping down the highest die in your pool while concentrating, in “action” scenes)
  • Conditional – Power only works in a certain situation otherwise steps down dice effect (This would cover power sets that are limited under either/or conditions e.g. not in water -1 die step)
  • Extra Time – Power takes longer to turn on than usual (roll 1d4 to determine how many actions to wait)(I suggest 1 additional turn total you don’t get as many as in Champions, 4 turns could be the entire fight)
  • Focus – Covered as a SFX  (Also the champions effect is covered by Gear)
  • Independent – makes a Power unconnected to the PC – treat as similar to creating an Asset (A suggestion would be to instead allow the Watcher to spend a Doom Die to take control of the power for a round)
  • Linked – requires two Power Groups to be operating at the same time or does not work at all (An alternative would be to limit the maximum die size to that of the linked power, e.g. Strength is linked to Durability, so its rank cannot exceed that of Durability)
  • No Knock-back – Power Effect never knocks an opponent down (Ineffectual potentially as “knock-back” is a complication you have to create)
  • No Conscious Control – Power only switches on at discretion of Watcher (or perhaps at the cost of a plot point, alternatively the power could be switched off by the Watcher spending a Doom Die or awarding a plot point.)
  • Only in Hero ID – Power only operates when character is in ‘heroic’ identity (assumes PC has both a ‘normal’ and ‘heroic’ ID)
  • Reduced by Range – Power steps down a dice from short – medium, medium – long ranges (tricky as range is a created complication)
  • Requires a Skill Roll – Power only activates if Player successfully rolls against Doom Pool (another option would be only if a specific specialty is used, that is it is paired with a specialty, only a limit with some pairings)
  • Side Effects – Power steps up or down a dice depending on a successful roll against the Doom Pool (Suggest adding a die to the doom pool (5XP) if the cation fails OR adding THE die to the doom pool (if greater than D6 ) if the action fails (10XP), OR add a die to the Doom Pool when used (10XP))
  • Obvious Effects – Power is always obvious when used.

Other Limits may exist in other Data-files and if/when located will be added separately.

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