This is the first set of suggested House Rules after trolling the inter-web for feedback from persons playing MHR. These are ALL open to debate as I am loathe to enforce things that others feel may be unworkable. There will inevitably be other tweaks to come but for your edification and illumination I present the following:
Area of Effect – Either costs a Plot Point (PP) or using it adds to the Doom Pool (DP); this avoids a situation where every target has to roll a defensive pool and slows game play to a crawl.
Counterattacks – Counter-attacks can only be rolled when the opponent has created an Opportunity. This counts as Activating an Opportunity. Counter-attacks can not use Extraordinary Successes.
Use Doom Dice to Shift Stress – when characters are throwing around d10 and d12 level powers you need a way to make the NPCs a little more survivable. These cost a Doom die at least as large as the stress being ‘deflected’.
“Winging It”– A character that lacks a specialty in a given area can attempt to “wing it” and add a d4 to their dice pool if they have no other specialty die that they can apply to that die pool. Essentially, they might guess about how something works, remember a totally rocking martial arts move from a movie, etc. and get lucky, or they may make things worse with their lack of knowledge (i.e. growing the Doom Pool or allowing their enemy to stunt off their bone-headed action).
Novice Specialties – characters can purchase 1d6 specialties (able to be split into 2d4) for 10xp, and upgrade them to expert (1d8) for 10xp.
Multiple Powers – characters act as if they had the multi-power SFX regardless from which groups the power comes from.
Personal/Scene Distinctions – a character may use both a personal and a scene distinction as long as one is 1d4 and one is 1d8.
Invulnerability – steps down physical stress by the user’s durability or other relevant power e.g. 1d10 durability steps down d12 stress to 1d4.
Doom Pool Hack – Instead of Doom Pool Dice, you just have a Doom Pool Points; when someone rolls a 1, you buy their Opportunity for a PP and get a DP – a Doom Point (basically, exactly a Plot Point). When they roll three 1s, you still give them 1 PP and get 3 DP. You can use these almost exactly like PP hybridized. Spend 1DP to add a die to the total, use an effect die, activate special effects, create scene distinctions, interrupt the action order, separate characters, ending the scene, so on. For d6 it’s 1 DP 2 for d8, 3 for d10 and 4 for d12, its 2 DP, for any die-size related action. Ending the scene would be 8 DP. Non-agency resistance would just be using the suggestions of “Starting Doom Pool” (2d6 generally) for every reaction to asset creation, etc. This means that the Doom Pool never becomes this wild, horrible, unbeatable monster; it just fuels the options of rolls for the Watcher. Additional die can be “purchased” for a reaction roll etc by spending DP, e.g. if you want to add a d10 to a roll to resist an asset creation it’s going to cost 3DP.
Limits – Internally neutral limits are free (e.g. x happens and you get a plot point), minor/limited limits give 5xp for taking (e.g. unconscious), severe limits give 10-15 (e.g. exclusive 10, growing peril 15).
Bad guys and limits/SFX – the Watcher may not activate a limit/SFX on an opponent and increase the Doom Pool, as this can lead to abuse. The Watcher may instead activate the limit/SFX and award the opposing/acting player a PP.
New power- Intellect, measures the super human intelligence of certain individuals (e.g. Reed Richards).
Addenda- “one of your opposition’s stress or complication dice could be included in your roll”, it was meant to say you could include one stress dice and one complication dice, if any.
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