Background: It was a dark and stormy night…
When JJ became into LiveWire. he was assisting with ‘Gruesome Gertie’, the infamous electric chair at Louisiana State Prison aka ‘Angola’, when a bolt of lightning punched through the roof into the execution chamber. JJ was the sole survivor and ‘miraculously’ unharmed. Soon he noticed a tingling and a restlessness and it became obvious to the Doctors that his ‘Joker gene’ had been activated. Social exclusion, relationship disintegration, loss of career happened as night follows day.
After 2 years of wandering he has washed up on the shores of Harlem. White, Southern Baptist, ex-law enforcement: the only thing he has in common with most of the people around him is that he is despised by ‘normal folk’.
His wife and 3 children still live in Shreveport although he has not seen them in over 6 months he wires money when he can. Really, he cannot face them… not with his terrible Dark Secret.
Name: Thomas Jonathan Jackson LeRoy
Birthplace: Shreveport, Louisiana
- Solo: D10
- Buddy: D6
- Group: D8
- Light ‘em up.
- Team Policing
- I can take ’em
Superspeed Power Group:
- Speed d10
- Reflexes d8
- Stamina d8
- Durability d8
- Intangibility d8
- Quickened Perception d8
- Area of Effect
- Second Wind
- Immunity
- Fatigue
- Toxins
- Disease
- No Physics
- Conscious activation
- Exhaustion
- Combat d8
- Crime d8
- Menace d8
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