Monthly Archives: March 2014
House Rules #2: Limitations – “Champions to the rescue”

The existing set of Limits in MHRP is ironically ‘limited’ in scope so I thought a look back to Champions…

Website Updates

Things have been moved around  bit in order to be able to reference PC information slightly more easily. Each PC…

Character Development & XP Costs

This is a long post as I want to cover a range of issues around Character Creation and related point…

Gasline explodes in Harlem, New York city.

And Supers are NOT to blame, that’s a first.

A Points-based Approach to Character Generation

In order to address issues around ensuring that the PCs are around the same Power Class, there is an alternative…

Posting posts

Just a quick note as it occurred to me that a lack of any process associated with posts could mean…

The 100 Most Important Things To Know About Your Character

How do you flesh out your character concept? You’re supposed to be building a second skin – a persona that…

Power Levels

Power levels are an issue with MHR so some compromises may need to be struck to avoid Players pitching too…

Hooks and barbs

The following is all stream-of-consciousness background information designed to set the context of the adventure. Militant Black Civil Rights movement…

Location, location, location

At the heart of our RP is the need to keep it fresh and to try and avoid the rut….

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